Welcome to the home of the leading provider of the very best transport and logistics systems in the UK, Middle East and Asia.
Solutions focused
Our services our focussed on you and delivering what you need - effectively, professionally and seamlessly.
Many of our global leading solutions have been developed by our talented team in-house - specifically to have two main benefits - a reduction in costs and an increase efficiency.
Global reach
We offer you a comprehensive international service platform as we have offices in the UK, Dubai and Manila.
We have vast experience and understanding of how to operate internationally - making us a vital global partner.
35+ years experience
We have been a market leader in the transport and logistics industry for nearly four decades. This has given us unrivalled knowledge of how to deliver a smooth and very effective operational solution to any requirement, no matter how large or small.
CenGlobal is the perfect partner for your future transport and logistics challenges.
Here's how we can help you:
Reduce transport costs & improve safety
Improve the management process of deliveries
Reduce customs penalties and defer duty
Improve my freight operations
Run my warehouse better
Link electronically to customers
CargoWise One is supporting transport and logistics businesses make home-working a success
Cen Global have been helping our customers to run their business as usual throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
CargoWise One, on the cloud, is proving to be the key to achieving this – allowing staff to work at home as productively as they would in the office – and sometimes more so!
If you’re already using CargoWise then please talk to us to see how we can help you to set up automated workflows and processes.
If you’re not using CargoWise then perhaps now’s the time to have a look at what CargoWise One can offer, including container automation, eAirway bills, customised customer web portal, automated customer alerts and updates plus a lot more.
Customs Track Plus is helping companies manage the new post BREXIT customs requirements
Our Customs Track PLUS (CTP) System is the perfect solution to meet post Brexit customs requirements. CTP provides full NCTS (National Computerised Transit System) and GVMS (Goods Vehicle Movement Service) functionality, including NIP (Northern Ireland Protocol). Customs warehousing is a standard option as is free zone, bonded stock management, IPR and CFSP.
CTP is fully integrated with CargoWise and can also work with other systems. Full CDS support is provided.
CTP is guaranteed to be fully compliant with all changing HMRC and UK BorderForce requirements.
We're proud to have worked with companies like: